
ウェスティン都ホテル京都 SPA「華頂」

The Westin Miyako Kyoto is located on a hill in Higashiyama, Kyoto, where there are many famous scenic beauties such as Heian Shrine and Nanzenji Temple.
"KACHO" is one of the largest spas in Kyoto, occupying the 5th and 6th floors with a site area of 2,100m², using natural hot spring water excavated in the vast grounds of our hotel.
In addition to a semi open-air bath designed in the image of the canal of the Lake Biwa Canal and integrated with the garden leading to Mt.Kacho, we also provide a gym and treatment facilities by our retreat salon "Le Jardin Sothys".

营业日与营业时间 6:30 - 23:00 (last admission: 22:00)
费用 Included in overnight stay plans
泉质 Kyoto Keage hot spring (simple thermal hot spring, low-temperature hot spring with a hypotonic low alkaline level)
露天浴池 Available (semi open-air bath)
包租浴池 None
住宿/当天往返 Only available for overnight stays.


The natural hot spring "Kyoto Keage Onsen" is effective for relieving fatigue and sensitivity to cold. Both men's and women's baths have a semi open-air bath, an indoor bath, and a sauna.
Please experience the moderate warmth of the natural hot spring and the comfort of the rich natural environment.
At "Le Jardin Sothys", a retreat salon attached to our spa "KACHO", we offer a wide variety of retreat programs.
Also, at "Kasuien", a separate Sukiya-style (traditional tea ceremony room style) annex on the property, natural hot spring water is brought into each of the 12 guest rooms so that you can enjoy the hot spring water in each room.

TEL: +81-75-771-7111 FAX: +81-75-751-2490
1 Awataguchi Kacho-cho, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto, 6050052, Japan
Approximately 2 minutes' walk from Keage Station of Subway Tozai Line.
Free shuttle bus available from Kyoto Station Hachijo Exit.

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